Sunday 20 February 2011


Whilst on my travels yesterday I popped into a Charity shop I've not been in for ages,
It's the kind that is super for a good rummage, you know the sort that stinks of manky old clothes and milky tea breathed old dears!
Reason for nipping in was to have a last little look before they plonk a great big dirty fat super sized Morrison's supermarket there!
which is very sad, I wont go into a rant!
Anyway I saw this lovely set of Hornsea items, all in super condition and they only wanted £5 for the whole set which is a total bargain. I could not get my money out quick enough, before nearly snatching the old lady's arm from her socket!
Really do feel like I had just robbed her.


Just thought I would share some of the vintage jugs I have found over the past few weeks.
The first pair were made in Romania, but unsure who the makers are.
The second jug with the bird design is by Brixham Pottery Ltd,
and the last jug has no marks or makers! But does look like the kind you would see in a country pub!

Tuesday 15 February 2011



I love these big eyed moppets! when I look at them I get a super warm spring tingle! I'm not really familar with this artist, but could not resist them, when I saw them on

Wednesday 9 February 2011


A rather super gift from Candypop!
Thank you.